Saturday, December 16, 2006

The watch


What!! he's eating our stuff!

What kind of creature is this?

Bujang had quite an encounter with Megat this morning. I decided to let Megat out so that he could get familiar with the terrain of the house. Also it would allow him to smell the kitties and they can watch him in action. Bujang was more curious than hostile and he followed Megatfor the most part around the house. Sometimes he would just sit at a safe distance, the better to watch. They would sometimes come face to face but neither growled nor raise their hackles. They acted like a couple of bored neighbours who were forced to be in the same space but who didn't have anything to say to each other but I'm sure they were both bombarded with all kinds of scents and sense impressions.

I decided that it would be healthy for Megat to walk supervised thoughout the house apart from the computer room because of the wires and grandma's room because it was full of stuff. However these sessions would be short - 1 hour at most so that none of the kitties would be unduly stressed. The amigos would be able to see this dark apparition walking some of the time and Megat would be able to interact (if he wanted to) with them for the same amount of time.

I realised though that these 1-hour sessions got everyone very hyper and so I had to make sure that I cage Megat up so the amigos could rest and Megat could rest too. He would usually protest quite enthusiastically when I cage him up after the sessions and would rant and rave and tear at his newspaper. Since his cage has rollers, he had snagged the mat with his nails and had dragged the cage close to the mat after his very first walk. After he had managed to get the corner of the mat through the holes of his cage, he shook the cage door until he had loosened the latch and walked out. We were quite surprised at Houdini:) and wondered what other tricks he had up his very thin and bare legs. Grandma was worried that he may eat up the cooked food placed on the table or on the stove. Oh oh!


  1. Whoa...what a clever cat!!

  2. Hope this goes through.....

    Good to know Megat is making big strides incorporating himself into his new family.

  3. Ahhh, the excitement of having a new feline member!! It must be quite stressful for you as it is for the kitties! It's fun to watch the group dynamics though! Enjoy, San!
