Wednesday, December 06, 2006

More slow than steady

Ms Akira, come out ...what are you doing?

I just figured out why Ms Akira is under the covers constantly for the past few days. She sometimes hides from morning to evening coming out only for breakfast at 9.00 am and dinner at 7.00 pm. Toro-the-gangsta-boy has been on her case. He has been trying to wrestle her to thr ground or at least tag her.

Bujang and Toro on the other hand, has come to some kind of understanding and although Toro tries to wrestle him at dinner, Bujang would not hesitate to scuff him. Bujang has also taken to giving him little warning bites when Toro walks near him. This morning Toro gave Bujang a little friendly nose to nose and Bujang actually allowed him to do that. Whah! Thats successful negotiation I guess.

Bujang's diet is going more slowly than steadily :) but I think better start now than later. I was watching TV yesterday. I think Discovery. It seems a Japanese scientist has discovered that there is a certain gene that is responsible for obesity. He then took out this gene and it seems the body is unable to make fat. None of my cats are obese but it is good to know. The gene XYZ (I don't remember the name) is very actve at night when we are asleep and it seems become inactive when we are awake. He experimented on 2 groups of mice and gave one group food in the day and the other group the same amount of food at night. The mice weigh the same to begin with. The night eaters has put on 15% more weight. The morning eaters weigh as they should as there is a lot of running about that they do in the morning. I think this study is interesting and it would be useful for me to decide on my cats' diets and nuitrition. But there needs to be more studies of course and the scientist agrees that this should be the case. Also this is what I should consider for myself :))

Grandma has agreed to us adopting the little kitten of 1.5 months. I have asked S to ask the owner whether it is a) vaccinated b) litter-bin trained as all my cats are litter bin trained c) what kind of food it eats d) if its weaned from its mother e) gender of kitten. I had also left my blog address as I am sure he would like to know if I take care of my cats well before he allows his kitten to live with us. I think the kitten would be a great friend to Toro as Toro is very playful and he wants to be friends desperately with the other two (who are friends with each other) Kittens are always willing to play and would play with anyone without reservation. Also now that I am on a break, I can make sure that proper introductions are made. I have yet to hear from S but if it does not transpire, then I know grandma would allow one more to be friends withTotoro.


  1. OH! Ragdolls have long fur too? Will Bujang be depressed again?

  2. Ragdolls - yeah long fur. After 2 other cats I think he has it in his stride although I think the little kitten might irritate the life out of him as he is laid back and does not like aggravation. More TLC I think. But I am not sure if the man would allow me to adopt his kitty yet. Will have to see lah cos if I was him I will screen all adopters carefully. :))

  3. It's going to be a ragdoll? Ragdolls are nice and docile, at least the ones I have come into contact with. Playful as kittens but docile as adults. Beautiful soft fur too. Nice.

    But this ragdoll will tower over the other 3 when fully grown. I heard they are really big cats.

  4. Yes. The queen gave birth it seems. But there is no news yet. These things take time I guess. I saw the ragdolls in a book on cats and it seems they are the biggest of the cats and can come up to 20 pounds!
