Saturday, December 09, 2006

One more to the Wild Bunch

I am bigger than you are!

This evening I decided to get the amigos a family badge from catster. It took me some time to register and then get all the amigos' pictures up. One good thing is they also provide you with a link to a site where you can resize your pics for free. Quite a cool link for a techno- phobe like me. So I finally got the pictures that I want for the badge. It looks quite nice and for once I can see the amigos all at once. :)

The evening feed for the Wild Bunch took much longer than usual. After feeding all the four cats, i thought I should look for Casanova. He was not under any of the parked vans but I saw the slip of his tail swinging in the distance. So after saying goodbye to FB, I went in search of Casanova. I caught up with him as he was on his way up the stairs towards the playground. I called him and showed him the white food bowl. At first he just stared at me and then he made his way slowly down the steps. He did not trust me at all so he waited for me to go away before he even ate anything. I had to remove his bowl twice as he was in the way of many epople who seemed to be rushing off somewhere.

I waited for him ashort distance away but realised he was still hungry as he kept trying to pull out bits of food with his paw. I thought that was quite smart. So I gave him a full handful of biscuits which he ate enthusiatically yet daintily. He allowed me to go near him as I thought I would get his food in the bowl in order so it would be easier for him to eat. After he had his fill, he just moved on slowly up the stairs to wherever it was that he wanted to get to in the first place.

As I was walking home, i saw FB sitting and relaxing on the stone table at Calico Mom's void deck. He looked very happy and confident and so I left him alone and went home. It was a good night but I guess now I have 5 mouths to feed.

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