Sunday, December 17, 2006


It's a little dificult to see Megat in all his frenzied glory. He got so angry when I tried to put him in his cage after giving him prolonged freedom of the house. But it was time to keep him in view as I wanted to get some work done and then I noticed he had disappeared. Thank goodness for Toro. If it wasn't for Toro and his kayponess I would not have caught Megat in the act of walking along the kitchen counter to the pot of gravy that grandma had cooked earler for lunch. This is grandma's great nightmare and the one thing that stresses her out.

"What if he eats all the fried fish?"
"What if he gets on the counter and topples all the dishes of cooked food?"
"Do you think he would eat the fish?"

I told grandma that because the old aunty had fed him with rice and fish, then he might eat up the fish that she has cooked. I also told her that I don't know exactly what Megat would do with the cooked food. So grandma is looking at Megat through rather dark-tinted glasses.

Anyway when he was in a stormy frenzy of wanting to escape, he actually shook the latch loose and was half-way out. Like an idiot, I tried to stop him and managed to put him back in his cage. Undeterred, Megat tried again and he has a great deal of strength for such a skinny cat. I tried to stop him and he used his claws (which I had managed to trim) and well...the result was a bloody hand. :) After I had washed the blood and put antiseptic, it was nothing at all. Bujang had given me worse lacerations for much less.

Then grandma said, "You want to keep this cat?"
I said, " Yah...I should not have stopped him."

Grandma just kept quiet and told Megat to behave himself..and he did. :)


  1. Megat knows who is boss! How about a lock on the cage? Or a looooooong cat leash?

  2. ya. If the green carrer solution is nor goign to work, I think i would have to get the lock option. he is very very strong and determined.
