Monday, December 11, 2006

FB's new collar

Finally I got FB a new collar. Its webbing and extremely pliable so if it gets caught some place, FB can easily extricate himself. It is reflective in case he needs to cross roads at night. The 'uncle' who cleans the area said that FB hangs out in the carpark too and he would therefore need such a collar. It has a snazzy pink and white stripe :)

He did not protest when I put the collar on him except to move his head to get at the food. I figured that would be the simplest way. I would now have to get Calico Mom to use a collar but she is very skirtish and doesn't like to be touched although she does recognise me and runs to me for food without me having to ring my keys. She sometimes comes near and has now begun to sniff at me more. I think for Calico Mom, I would have to get a snap-on.

I had bought some stuff for the amigos online and one of the merchants asked me if I wanted some collars that they don't use anymore as they have changed their style. Whah! Of course I said yes :) I think the Wild Bunch would soon be sporting collars from USA. :))

1 comment:

  1. Nice collars. Just hope horrible humans don't steal them!!
