Sunday, July 09, 2006

Sunday thoughts

It was a wet sunday afternoon. The amigos just sat around lazily. Bujnag of course preferred to be in his basket looking at the rain and feeling the more than cool breeze blowing through the weave. He has been very chatty these days. I do not know why that should be so as he is the quietest of the gang of three. I hope nothing is ailing the little guy. Just now, with the aid of wind and rain, he shouted a little when he went to the kitchen with grandma. I can't believe that he was hungry as there were still some biscuits left in his red bowl. I would like to think that Bujang was just being dramatic, living with 2 other dramatic kitties and he has learnt to voice his disagreements and wants.

I always think Bujang is quite a nice cat since he makes no trouble for the other kitties unless they get in his way. He is quite accepting of most things that happen to him, especially me bringing two other cats to live with us. What he can't accept (like his basket being moved) I can rectify. Thank goodness for this. Apart from one short bout of near depression when I first brought akira home, he takes Toro and his nonsense pretty well.

He is also getting more affectionate I think. He sometimes sleeps near me (not on me thank goodness) in bed. He has his own bed which he uses but nowadays he sometimes chooses to sleep alongside myself. This has been going on for nearly two months on and off. I wonder what is going on with him. Maybe his personality is evolving still :))


  1. Cats learn that humans communicate by their voices, so they will want to copy those actions, to get attentions. Spencer is very good at that. It is to be expected that Bujang wants to sleep with you. You are part of the gang!

  2. It is true that he hardly asks for attention in any other way. :) he meows at night when he needs me to open the window or clean the litter. I am quite flattered to be considered as part of the gang - finally :))
