Saturday, July 08, 2006

Its Too Hot

It has been a very hot afternoon and the amigos spent most of the time flat out on the floor sleeping the heat away. My sister was here and she also slept the afternoon away with the air-con on. I had to switch on the fan as my air-con was not working too well :( The amigos didn't finish all the wet food at dinner. I gave them their usual teaspoon. maybe its the heat plus the rather noisy nephews. They are always a little stressed out when there are other people in the house. All except Bujang. Still even Bujang did not finish his wet food just now.

Caren from the cat shelter came to take away the amigos' stuff. I didn't realise they had so much stuff, especially toys. There is really so much more space in the store room and house now that the stuff is all gone. :)


  1. Heehee, Akira sitting behind Toro...

  2. Ya. i didn't realise she was there until i saw the pic. She is one curious cat. :)
