Thursday, October 19, 2006

What's behind the Red door?

These series of pics are rather hazy because there is not enough light for my hp. But I thought the opportunity was too good to miss. Ms Akira and Toro had abit of a face-off right here. Actually it was Toro who once more came to the rescue of a fellow kitty in trouble. I was at the computer and I noticed that toro was sniffing and scratching at the door. I thought he was just being his usual high spirited and curious self. He continued scratching even at the door hinges. So I got up to look at what was behind the red door and like lightning, Ms Akira shot out and off she went into grandma's room. :) Ms Akira being rather chubby, actually got stuck behind the door and was unable to back-track as the space was tiny. Even though Toro is still sometimes very temperamental and still try to wrestle and intimidate everyone (Ms Akira included) , he has a warm and helpful side.

Toro relaxing after his supercat effort at rescuing a damsel.

Toro investigating the red door, trying to figure out what was behind it that Ms Akira was so interested in. He went in and out and sniffed and scratched. He finally decided that there was nothing of any particular interest and took a nap instead.


  1. Stuck behind the Red Door? Hmmm. But Toro was so noble and brave! Deserves a Boy Scout medal!

  2. Yes. He is a bundle of surprises especially with the Good Samaritan acts :)
