Sunday, October 29, 2006


Oh what is life if its full of nothing-to-do?

What's that blinking and meowing?

Its moving! Its moving!

Ohhhh...its a kitty cat...

Oh what is life if its full-of-nothing-to-do?

Toro was hanging (pun intended) out with me as grandma was busy with housework. He sat on his shelf and watched nothing until I was reading Vegancat's entry about Tong-tong. The video attracted Toro's attention and he watched it from his shelf quite avidly. I notice he likes the moving pictures on TV too, probably because his favourite grandma watches soaps and hysterical brazilian TV everyday. He sometimes sits on her lap to watch TV with her :)

Grandma remarked that Toro's fur is growing longer. I had to tell her that I will have to get him to the groomer to trim it close as he is hot under all that fur. Grandma laughed and said she has 2 weeks before that happens. Grandma still hopes that I would change my mind but i think what my cat needs will have to over ride everything. Sorry Grandma.

1 comment:

  1. Spencer likes to watch tennis, the tok tok sound is soothing for her. I agree with Toro having a shorter coat. He looks better, and will feel better
