Saturday, October 14, 2006

Fatboy and me

Fb likes to follow me when I am feeding the calico mom. He usually begs me for something more to eat or he would just hang out and irritate her. Here FB decided that he would sit on the stone chairs instead to converse with me about his day. Then when I wanted to go home, he decided that I should visit for a while longer and stood guard in case I decide to run :)

I have to tell the old aunty that I may not be able to feed the cats for 2 whole weeks as I am going to Texas for a conference. That means I will not be able to feed them for 4 days. I wonder what will happen? I also need to get a cat minder for the amigos as grandma is not so strong to take care of them by herself. Hmmmm...


  1. 2 WEEKS!!!!!

    During the Hari Raya period?

    Oh dear, have you told the Amigos??

  2. Not yet lah. I thought maybe after the Hari Raya. Its the 1st 2 weeks of November. :)

  3. Since you are going to be in US for 2 weeks, you may wish to buy a new cat tree there. They are about 60% of Singapore pricing (especially the big tall ones).

    Do a cat tree search on the web. There are lots of custom made ct trees and most do free delivery within the US. You can get them to deliver to your hotel.

  4. Yup kxbc, I was planning to gte some cat stuff while the rest of the team dream of getting clinique :) But having to lug it from the airport to home is quite formidable but I will try to get the amigos something nice from America :))
