Monday, October 16, 2006

The Stand-Off

Toro walked up to Ms Akira quite gingerly in case she flared up and hit him. He took slow mincing steps to the spinning toy as he wanted to try to get itback from her. Ms Akira gave Toro her death-ray stare to make him reconsider his foolhardiness.

And more intense staring was the order of the day. Toro got the message and decided to do the wise thing- sit calmly and try to look in the other direction.

Finally Ms Akira left after making her point, intensely and without any use of physical violence. Toro got the toy and ate more catnip.

1 comment:

  1. Clever Toro. It is futile to fight against Miss Akira The Formidable Female!

    Toro's tail is the same length as his body, same volume somemore. And bigger than his head. Haha. He won't keel over?
