Sunday, June 11, 2006

A last note for Sunday

The cat feeder came to knock on my door tonight. She told me she has got herself a job at S and her working hours are late. She said she might not be able to feed the calico and the grey tabby as well as the very noisy black cat at the car-park and asked if I would try to feed them. She said that she would give them fresh water before she gets to work.

I told her I would feed the calico and the grey tabby as I sometimes see them on my way home from the walk in the park and they know me. The two cats are very sweet and friendly but thank goodness not to everyone. It is just a matter of me making a trip downstairs after feeding the amigos, if I don't go to the park although I have never seen the black cat in the car park. I guess I have to bring cat food in my bag if I have to work late :))

She is a nice lady who feeds many cats but she is old and her feeding route may be too much for her. But today she seemed cheerful at the prospect of going to work. She said she would have the money to feed the cats and her dog too. I hope all will be fine with her.
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1 comment:

  1. Cute Bujang. I think the black dot on his mouth always gives him a puzzled expression, like he is pursing up his lips.
