Friday, June 30, 2006

Must catch that..I simply must!

Bujang caught sight of a beetle in the park today and immediately gave chase. As usual, he was distracted at one point by a bird chirping (frantically) in a cage above us. That pet bird must be truly afraid (and I am rather sorry about that).

The beetle crawled into the drain via a hole near the drain covers. Bujang thought he too can do the disappearing act.

We spent 5 minutes here. Him, trying to get at the beetle and me trying to persaude him that it was a lost cause.

Poor Kitty! :(

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  1. Cats are so naive. They always think they can catch the beetles / bees/ lizards etc. So far I had only seen one cat managed to smack a butterfly flat between her paws.

  2. It's hard to give up the chase when you have a buggie in your sights.
