Friday, June 16, 2006

Run for it!

After Orange County Choppers, I brought Bujang out into the corridor. He immdediately set off, sniffing at the drainage. He seems obsessed by it. Then he went to the neighbours house and sat on their plastic mat. He refused to move even when I asked him to.

Then he heard a commotion at the far corner, pricked his ears and made off with me having to run after him. He was desperate to go into the house and as I let him in, I turned to see why he was so afraid.

There was a bunch of people who were walking towards the lift and they were all strangers to him. He knows the usual suspects and would sometimes greet them at the door. I guess its the school holidays and people visit parents and relatives more often. :)

Poor Bujang. He only had 10 minutes outside as he refused to go out again even after the people left.

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