Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Let Sleeping Cats Lie

I was reading cat_aunty's blog about her cats sleeping and how she felt about it. [at this point I know I should link to the actual entry but I am an idiot at these things :)]

This is a pic I took of Bujang yesterday after my spring cleaning episode. I did not know where I got the energy even to get the vacuum cleaner from the store room! This is one of the rare moments when I took his pic and he actually did not even bother to open his eyes. Usually he would be wide-awake even before I reach out for the phone cam.

Maybe the poor thing was really too exhausted from all that noise and activity. But when I saw him sleeping and now the pic, I realised how much my cats have truly enriched my life and they did not even need to do anything. They just need to be themselves. :))

Possibly its a cat conspiracy - get the humans to think that they are priviledged to have cats in their lives and then black mail them with food preferences, toys and the absolutely-must have treats..hahaha. But I don't mind really. I think I have quite a blessed life with 3 cats.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, initially it was like I was doing the mother cat a favour by adopting her ugly offspring. As the years go by, the ugly offspring evolved into Her Imperial Highness, and I became the slave....
