Thursday, June 15, 2006

Evening Walk

We finally got to go for our first walk after a whole week of rainy evenings. I know it's no use bringing Bujang to the park when the grass is wet. There is no way he is going to walk on wet grass although once a long time ago, we went for a walk in a light drizzle, which he enjoyed tremedously.

Bujang went to a totally new part of the park, somewhere where we had never gone before as this part was always full of people walking and taking buses. But this evening, it was quiet with hardly a whisper except for a young boy on a bike who was looking for some money he had lost. $30!!

Bujang spent quite some time sniffing at the leaves,. i wonder what that was all about and then he rubbed his face amongst them. WOAH! I was afraid he would blind himself on a thorn and pulled him away.
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