Sunday, June 04, 2006

What!!?? No It's not my turn.

When we got home from our little park adventure, Toro immediately made a quick escape under the bed where none can get him. My mom told me that Bujang was restless and made a lot of noise when Toro was absent. I guess he was looking for him.

I told Bujang that it was his turn to go to the groomers next Friday. ARGHHH!! Bujang was too astonished at the turn of events to do anything else but stare and showed me his paw as though saying that his nails were nothing to be afraid of. Indeed they were all sheathed. :))

F the groomer told me to re-schedule my appointment for Bujang and I had to make another on a day when she has more help. "Bujang needs 2 persons," she said smiling. The other groomers all looked at us and smiled. So Friday it is when 2 persons can help with his grooming.

Of course Bujang did not believe me when I told him this. He thinks we're all sissy for sure.


  1. Haha Bujang looks very worried!

  2. :) Yes he does. he knows with 2 persons, there is no way he can escape. :))

  3. Bujang, you have a notorious reputation. Haha!

  4. Yeah aunty_p and not only with the groomers. The people working at PL all know his reputation and I guess they have all seen the scratches on the groomers hands.
