Thursday, December 18, 2008

Evening walk

Bujang- all 7.75 kg of him taking an evening walk...

He perambulated the tree and ate grass rather enthusiastically...

To eat or not to eat...
I brought Bujang for a short walk after dinner. He was very noisy in the lift as I think he remembered the last time he was in his carrier and that was the trip to the vet. MIAOWERRRR...on and on. But once he was downstairs, he got out and walked immediately towards the grass patch and the big tree. He circled around it once or twice and then decided to munch on grass. i did think to stop him as I was worried that the workers might have sprayed insecticide on it but I figured that he would not eat it if that was so.
I have not brought him to his favourite park as I was worried he would eat the grass there as I had seen workers spraying the shrubs with insecticide. That was why I decided to grow him his own patch of grass but he needs the exercise and so do I.
We did not stay long as Bujang got spooked by the loud banging and crashing from the contractors who were renovating a flat. he immediately pulled on his leash and me and sat behind one of the columns at the void deck. After a few minutes of trying to persuade him that all was well, I gave up and we made our way home. Poor thing Bujang. he was so enjoying his walk too.
I am having some trouble justifying this text so I am leaving it centralised this way :(


  1. We thought Sen-Chan was getting hefty but he only weighs 4.3 kilos!!! You're a big boy, Bujang!

  2. Oooh, that's a great leash for walking with. How nice you get to go on evening walks.

  3. i have to try that one day, some of our cats seriously need exercise!

  4. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Comment is not abt Bujang, sorry. Want to thank you for your Cat-it advice in earlier post.
    As advised, I opened & cleaned out black boxes of 2 previous Cat-its (in storage for spare parts). The black boxes are clogged. Now i have 3 working Cat-its. Thanks ;)

  5. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Of my numerous my cats, only one could be successfully walked with a leash. When cat freaks out in the open, it can be scary.
    Do choose a leash with a ring that rotates at all angles - that way the string is less likely to get tangled-it could still happen.
    If you watch youtube "Why NOT to put a leash on a cat" - that is a classic video how a cat on a leash could go very wrong - unwittingly demonstrated by animal welfare people about cat adoption.

    Not to scare anyone off walking cats on leash of course. I gave up walking my cat on leash after it got spooked & i almost lost it.

    BTW, never underestimate a cat when it is mad/frightened...i got very badly scratched from leg to head. Best not to put cat or you in a situation where that could happen. Is the cat still with me? Of course. He was just trying to attack another cat i held up over my head - i was stupid.

    No, i was not laughing at video bec i know how that could happen!!

  6. He doesn't look 7.75kg at all, I think it is all muscles and brawns
