Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wednesday notes

I really must hug the boys today when I get back from work as they helped me quite a lot yesterday with my anxieties as I tried to figure out what to say at my intervew this morning. The boys sat with me on the bed and thought with me. Of course they just closed their eyes during the process, the better to help me telepathically. Looking at how stoic and calm they were, I realised that I was giving myself way too much pressure and I should just relax and all will be clear and precise. At the interview this morning I just envisioned all of them calmly sitting and napping at their favourite spots. Of course all the homework and thinking about the answers helped a lot but the amigos "I am a cat. Take me as I am," manner helped too :)


  1. Not that any of us need much of an excuse to hug our cats.... but WILL DO!

    Hoping the results of your interview will be good.

    #1 (and the gang)

  2. All the best!!! Keep us posted!
