Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunday Morning

Ms Akira sharpening her nails for what is to come later...

Ok..enough already...

Taking a rest after all that hard work...

Yes I am calm and steady this sunday...

But THIS is how I actually am feeling. Watch out all you boys in the house!


  1. OMG! What a shot of Miss Akira's backside!!!!

    Were you lying on the floor when you took this picture? It is great!!!!

  2. Anonymous8:16 PM

    wah Akira... u should come n teach my cats how to do that... they refused to play w the condo i got for them... i so sad

    the kitten still plays with sometimes, but dun scratch on it, still scratches my couches.... but the older one, never even go near it... dunno how man
