Tuesday, January 20, 2009

You don't say

Bujang acting goofy or maybe he is just goofy-looking :)
We went for a walk this evening eventhough we had a very shocking experience of being nearly-carrier napped yesterday. Bujang enjoys his evening walks and would be all ready at the door right after dinner. If he so much suspects that I have no intention of bringing him downstairs, he would meow and paw at the gate (One of my sisters have told me that my cats, especially Bujang are quite adept at blackmailing me. I must admit its true).
This time, I placed his stroller-carrier near where the residents would put their bicycles. THIS, I hope would tell the residents that indeed this contraption has an owner. Bujang was rather confused as to where his carrier was when he wanted to sit in it as he is used to having it only in one place for a long time. There were no nasty incidents this time. I had placed a book on the carrier just to indiacte to some would-be carrier napper that the carrier belongs to someone. Of course Cosuin R reminded me that if someone was determined to steal my carrier, ab ook would be no dterrent and of course she is right.
Finally grandma hit on a brilliant solution. "Why don't you buy a bicycle chain and then chain the stroller to the bicycle stand?" Aiyoh!!! Why didn't I think of that? Posted by Picasa

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