Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Whatcha doin MM…

san took away my spider plant and bought me some strange tasting herb called Gotu Kola or Indian pennywort. It seems it is ok for animals and people. But I much prefer the Rabbit Foot fern up here. San was not pleased of course as I might break the pot and hurt myself. She shooed me down several times. I don’t know why I should get down at all since I am a cat and I climb quite gracefully. 


  1. You are looking very graceful MM, but it's unwise to eat too many plants. We think that San knows best in this case.

    The Chans

  2. Shooing a cat away is indeed rather pointless, but we humans do it anyway, don't we, MM?

  3. MM, please be careful up there, okay?

  4. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Wonderful photo!
