Wednesday, January 10, 2024

All this rain!

 I was a little nervous this morning as suddenly there were loud sounds outside. When I was little..r, I was outside and had to find somewhere to hide because of the loud sounds and rain. San said thunder and rain were all outside and I was inside so I would be safe. The important thing was to stay warm and perhaps have a nice nap. I told san, “OK san. I trust you’re telling me the truf…’ 


  1. san is right. Rainy days are good for taking a nap inside where you are safe and warm and dry. XO

  2. San wouldn't lie to you, little Manju. We had lots and lots of rain here too recently, but now we have snow. Snow is very quiet!

    The Chans

  3. It's tough to forget the scary times outside, but now that you are an insider-cat, so many dangers are just sounds that you can laugh at.
