Thursday, December 31, 2020

Happy Gotcha Day Rez


Rez came to live with us in early December. He began as a commcat, then we fostered him because he got very sick. He lived in boarding some of the time as he was naughty and the amigos were stressed out with his constant harassment. He was more aggressive and didn't care for anyone. He wanted to be BOSS.

Then Bujang told me that it was a very bad idea to board him and make him live such an uncertain life. "Then he won't know how to live with us san." So finally on 31 Dec, 2015 he became our newest amigos. 

He has learnt that Bujang is the BOSS and Poppy is the Supervisor. Akira is the one with the whip but Tanaka is easy. He is now a muscular cat and one of these days, he will get what he wants. He will be the BOSS although I hope not for some time yet. 

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Popsicle Poppy


Its December and the rainy season is here. This morning it started to drizzle so it was a good time to nap. san bought a mat for Akira and it came with this frilly pillow so she gave it to me. I was glad she didn't get us the one with rampaging blue monkeys!

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

My New Cat Cave


san got me a new cat cave as I was using my brothers' carrier to sleep in. Because of that they could not go out for a stroll together. This came  last night and san put it out for me this morning. I am still not used to it as it is bigger than the carrier but it is spacious and cool. I noticed that no one else tried to use it though. I think its because there is the 'new' smell. san will try to put our old blankets in it to see if anyone else likes it as well. 
I can see pretty much everything from this cave as well. So I must say that I am very pleased with san. I sit here with my tiger (that I had when I was only 6 months old). The best part is the colour of course. 

I am doing well. I went to the vet and my weight is 4.28. So I have not gone any thinner from last week. He was pleased and so were we all.  Tomorrow is my second acupuncture appointment with Dr Oh. My vet said that acupuncture has been  very effective in pain management so san was very comforted.                             

Today I spent much of the time sleeping under san's quilt on the couch. san was a little nervous as I didn't eat much by myself but slept much. But since I didn't look dazed or disoriented (like I did the first week of my flare), san left me alone to rest. I just had some food and now am going to nap again.



Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Just Because


This is my new Christmas ribbon. We don't have new collars this year as San thinks we have too many already. So san decided to give away a few of our collars to other catses. I was very relieved she didn't give away my red one.

Today I also went to see my acupuncturist to get him to help with my pain issues.  I have 2 more sessions and then san says we will have to see what to do then. Right now I need to rest for a bit...maybe the whole day. 

Monday, December 14, 2020


These two are always at the door but both prefer the morning breeze and the fact that almost no one passes by the house at that time. Tanaka likes the breeze but Popps likes looking outside at all hours. No one  pays them particular attention but I notice they are also less afraid of passersby. Rez however has not yet understood that he would be okay inside even if a noisy crowd passes by  the house as he is protected by the gate. 

Sunday, December 13, 2020



Akira this evening, sleeping on the couch, feeling much better.

Akira has had chronic pancreatitis for about 5 years or so but it was only this March that she suffered her first pancreatic flare. She was hospitalised for a week and suffered through many tests. The vet said that pancreatitis can only be managed and not cured and sent her home with some meds. She was ok for a few months until last month when she began the morning with diarrhea (as she has IBD) and then she vomitted her food. I read from blog posts that the IBD usually precedes a flare. My vet did not tell me this though. And that pancreatic flares are very painful to begin with. 

It has taken us 6 weeks for her to recover from this flare. She also had very bad indicators for her failing kidneys and her phosphorus was 7.3. So since there was nothing new that the vet could offer my cat, I decided on a regime that would be workable. So instead of ALOH which would take us a long time and stress her out even more, I decided on Niacinamide, which the Kidney FB recommended to bring down phosphorus quickly. I also decided on Astro Oil, protein and creatinine scubbers. She also gets the triad meds for a flare - buprenorphine (pain meds) (very expensive here), cerenia (anti emetic) and mirtazapine (for her appetite). After 4 weeks we did all her tests again and I am glad to say her numbers are a little better. I can now just give her the pain meds only once a day instead of twice and the mirtazapine only when she needs it. 

Although I don't think she will be her old self again as she is now thinner and had lost much of her muscle tone, she is cheery at home and eats well enough (with assisted feeding as well). She hangs out at new places in the house and yesterday actually reprimanded Rez for disturbing Bujang. She is also now sleeping better and getting up on the couch more. Even though her creatinine and BUN indicators were a little better, it is too soon to say  if she her kidneys are better. The vet said it cold be because she has less muscle. What is important now is of course her quality of life and I think she still has that one down. We hope for prayers and good thoughts. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Just Because and some words...

These days I have been sitting with san quite a lot.  She has been writing things in red on many papers. I thought I should give her some company being the BOSS cat. Also I found out that If I sit close to her, she would stop doing using the red pens and she would talk to me instead, or fall asleep or even better, she would get up and give me treats. No tuna but at least something just as delicious. Yummy!

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Tasty Tuna...lalala

san tells me that I would get a treat for my birthday and she gave me some tuna that humans eat. It was very tasty but she said I can't have too much of it. I asked her when I can have some more. She just looked at me and said 'lalala'. This means not for a long time. 

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Cuddle Time

It quite surprised me that last night Bujang decided that he would sit on my lap for a change. As he is a big kitty, he had to turn around and manouvre  himself onto my lap several times before he got comfortable. It surprised me as he had never, even as a kitten, sat n my lap before and now that he is all of 16 and at 6.4 kg, he is a big and heavy kitty. At first I was worried and thought he may be unwell but as he was not sneezing or hot to the touch, I decided that he may just want some me-time as we were not able to go outside for 2 weeks already. Also he was not bothered that Akira was beside him. Usually he would give the other cats space first and he would not sit with them.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Akira on Saturday


All day mama has been trying to take pictures of us but her phone failed her many times. I think she knows that she needs to get a new one just so she can take pictures of us, not because she needs it to talk to anyone. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Today we remember..

 Totoro or Toro Tunabelly

He loved Tuna and his grandma. We hope he is happy now with both at the bridge.

Saturday, August 01, 2020

Saturday Surprise

Really san. No more collar for me?

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Gargoyle in the house

Sometimes I do not understand san's sense of humour. 
Tanaka went to the vet today for his checkup. I was worried that his numbers may be worse as he has more trouble eating these days. But the mirtazapine seems to help him and he does not need it regularly, which is a blessing. His kidney numbers are stable and he is still within stage 2, but at the higher end. It has been about 5 years now. Even so, we are thankful to this. 

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Saturday Nap

This morning Tanaka and I went to see Dr L for our muscles and bones. We had a new transport service to take us as the old one went out of business. san thinks they were much affected by Corvid 19. san had to rush this morning and so forgot to bring Tanaka's harness. When Dr L was massaging his muscles, he jumped out of his carrier and ran off at the Biopolis. The Biopolis is a very big and strange place and if he gets lost, its would be almost impossible to find him. san was horrified but she managed to keep her cool and called his name gently. san said that Tanaka must have been quite surprised as well as he turned around to wait for san but as he was walking (not running) san managed to catch up with him and caught him. It was such a tiring day that I just needed a nap.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Akira's musings

These days I like sleeping here as the couch is right under the fan so its cool. san sits here everyday as well. I don't really like it when Rez sits here by himself as he disturbs my brother Tanaka alot and I have to discipline him everyday. I think he is more afraid of me than of san and sometimes I rescue san as well. All this tires me out.

Last night san woke me up as she said I was meowing in my sleep. These days san worries about me alot as I just came back from hospital. I decided after that to just sit on her for abit to comfort her. Is it any wonder that I sleep so much? 

Monday, July 13, 2020

Monday Walk After Rain

san really regretted updating our blog and using the new blogger interface. It took her many minutes just trying to negotiate an unfamiliar space. I told her she should just go back to the old interface but when she said to me, "Bujang how do I do that?", I told her I am her cat and not her teacher. 

Today san decided to bring us out in the evening. It was right after the rain so it was cool and the air smelled different. Even the sounds were different. We heard more cars and young children running and yelling. Tanaka did not like it much and spent much of the time hiding behind me. So san decided to take just a quick walk. This is our covered walkway and if it should suddenly rain, we have walkways that would allow us to walk to other blocks or buildings under cover. But it will not be so much fun though as the way would usually just be at void decks and we will see a lot of concrete instead of trees. 

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Easy Peasy Sunday

We were at the park around 7ish this morning. We were glad to be there before the sun got too hot. There were many people running so it was safer for us to be in our stroller. This is my favourite park when san used to bring me for walks but now we only sit in the stroller as san suspects that I got sick from walking about here.  Just as long as I do not walk on the grass, san thinks its ok. 

san made us take a picture here as she liked the way the trees look. She was waiting for the man in red to move away but he suddenly began to walk about in circles so she just took the pic. When I saw the picture I told san the man in red was a good addition. We had a nice morning and we are grateful for that.

Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Monday, July 06, 2020

san and me

This was san and me 5 years ago. san was looking through her digital album and saw this one of us. Its not often that I let san take a picture like this so its precious to us.

Sunday, July 05, 2020

Sunday in the park

We were at the park quite early but the sun was already out. san was very pleased that she managed to trick Rezki into getting in the stroller although he made a fuss throughout our whole walk but we didn't mind. There were only 4 of us - myself Bujang, Tanaka, Rezki and Popps. Akira stayed home as she is a homebody and dislikes being outside . Rezki kept chatting with the other park users much to san's amusement and we saw many runners as well. But it soon became too hot for san and we had to go home. 

Thursday, July 02, 2020

Just Because Bujang

Just Because it's my turn. 
san says its too hot to go for a walk but I don't think so. If she had woken up at 4 am like I asked her to, we could have gone for our walk. Sometimes I despair of her.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Monday with Akira

Akira was a little under the weather 2 days ago. But as this was right after her pancreatitis flare earlier in the month, I decided to just monitor her temperature. After some time she was her usual self and her appetite returned to normal. She is now a much more quiet kitty after her 6 days in hospital. Her meows are also less strident and less whining. but her sweet temperament remains the same, except if you're Rezki and you're harassing her brother Tanaka. Then watch out! 

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Popps on Sunday

This is her favourite perch and she stays here the whole day, everyday. These days however, she is not as nimble as before and sometimes hurt her mouth when she tries to scramble down for fish or food or treats. We try as much as we can to have the window open for the breeze and the smells of the outside for her. 

Saturday, June 27, 2020

My letter to san

dear san

I think it's time I tell you that a cat needs some dignity. I am tired looking like a flying saucer. You said I need to wear this for only a week but since this is my third collar, it is going to be three weeks. If I promise not to pull the fur off my back will you take it off? No? You actually want to see the fur? Really?

Then I only have this to say to you.


Friday, June 26, 2020

Friday Thoughts

We want to take a moment to remember our friend Barley. san called her Princess cos she was so like those princesses she used to see on tv but mostly san called her Her Highness. She was a feisty kitty who loved to eat and very much loved by her mama. san can't imagine what her mama must be feeling as it was only a week ago that Her Divaness also went to the bridge. I told mama that now they are together with the Dowager Spenc. 3 girl kitties up in Heaven looking after their mama. 

Of course we also remember our bruffers Toro and Megat. And Mera, Kiki, Max and Chitto.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Popps on Monday

Just because I am all of 15, it doesn't mean I cant still jump mama!

Popps is going strong at 15 eventhough she has stage 3 kidney issues. She lost 100 g or so of her weight and the vet wanted her to be on a kidney diet. Unfortunately they only sold a dry diet and I think that would not be good for a kidney cat. These days she is very picky and would only eat kangaroo or fresh fish (for a treat). So she is getting a different combination of Chinese herbs from Dr Oh, her tcm vet. 

When Fern spoke to her about Bujang and his grandma (who is not well) she said that Bujang should know that we all grow old and fall sick. I wonder if she was talking about herself as well.