Saturday, July 18, 2020

Saturday Nap

This morning Tanaka and I went to see Dr L for our muscles and bones. We had a new transport service to take us as the old one went out of business. san thinks they were much affected by Corvid 19. san had to rush this morning and so forgot to bring Tanaka's harness. When Dr L was massaging his muscles, he jumped out of his carrier and ran off at the Biopolis. The Biopolis is a very big and strange place and if he gets lost, its would be almost impossible to find him. san was horrified but she managed to keep her cool and called his name gently. san said that Tanaka must have been quite surprised as well as he turned around to wait for san but as he was walking (not running) san managed to catch up with him and caught him. It was such a tiring day that I just needed a nap.


  1. Oh freaking wow. I'm so glad you caught him...and I wish you a restful evening know he's safe. Talk about an adreneline rush.

  2. Yhat sounds like an exhausting day, indeed! We are very glad san was able to catch Tanaka!

  3. Wow! That must have been terrifying for San, but maybe a litlle bit for Tanaka-Chan too.

    Tama and Genji
