Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Akira's musings

These days I like sleeping here as the couch is right under the fan so its cool. san sits here everyday as well. I don't really like it when Rez sits here by himself as he disturbs my brother Tanaka alot and I have to discipline him everyday. I think he is more afraid of me than of san and sometimes I rescue san as well. All this tires me out.

Last night san woke me up as she said I was meowing in my sleep. These days san worries about me alot as I just came back from hospital. I decided after that to just sit on her for abit to comfort her. Is it any wonder that I sleep so much? 


  1. Akira, that is nice of you to sit on san to make her feel better. Have a nice snooze!

  2. You are treasured, Akira, and that is why San worries about you. We know it's a tiring job to make sure everyone behaves!

    Tama and Genji
