Monday, January 29, 2024

Monday Grooming

 San brought me to the vet this afternoon to clip my nails. I allowed them to do it without much fuss but I didn’t like the vet messing with my mouth. San wanted to see why I was drooling so much ever since I stayed here. The vet found some broken teeth with gum tissue around them making my mouth sore. So she made  an appointment for me to do some dental in early March. The vet said the dental was not critical to my safety but it was a little painful even so.   I am not looking forward to that. 


  1. Dental work is never any fun but if you do have a sore mouth, it will take care of that and you'll feel so much better!

    The Chans

  2. Your mouth may be sore from the dental, Sky, but that will disappear, and take the broken teeth pain with it.
