Monday, January 15, 2024

Just Because Skywalker

 I was feeling much better yesterday and decided to sleep on the couch next to san. san also gave me duckie back again. I suspect she wants to put tiger in the wash as she said he was black with saliva. I do not see what the problem is as he is my tiger and he sleeps with me. I don’t understand san’s obsession with washing. 


  1. Humans always want to wash stuff right when us kitties get them just right. So strange!

    We are glad you are feeling better, Sky.

  2. We are glad you are feeling better, Sky, and we hope that Sam will also feel better soon! Yes, humans are a little obsessed with keeping things clean, or what they consider clean!

    The Chans

  3. Well, I suspect you wash, too, Sky, just in a different way...
