Saturday, September 23, 2006

Saturday morning

The trio sat around looking cool and lazy, feeling the morning sun and taking in the breeze. Even ms Akira did not protest when Toro joined them for some R&R. Of course this idyllic state of things lasted an iota of a second before new things caught their eyes and they are onec again on the move. :)


  1. oh i hv the same tunnel as u... its mao's favorite toy hee

  2. Was Bujang coughing or yawning in the 3rd picture? Charlie's Angels....hehe

  3. dear cat_aunty
    He just finished eating biscuits and he's licking his lips :))

    dear wei
    now the only one who likes the tunnel is Toro. Bujang used to be crazy and raced through it all the time but now he's more relaxed.

  4. Yes maery. Its washable. I think I bought it for around $60.00. But its very durable and you can manipulate it as it has buttons to shorten or lengthen. The amigos have been racing through it and of cos biting it as well as sitting on it.
