Monday, September 04, 2006


Aunty P thought it would be fun to see before and after pics of Totoro :) So here he is in unshaven and shaven glory. :)) Like Kootoo and M&M said - he does look younger in the shaved pic..hahaha..but I miss his pretty ruff. I notice however that he spends less time grooming his long fur and more time asking me for scritches and pets. Something is not right in Denmark (to paraphrase good ole shakespeare)


  1. Cute Toro, he looks better without his ruff

  2. I know Bailey hates getting shaved but it's the best thing for her 'cause she's too fat to clean herself. LOL At least Totoro doesn't look as silly as most cats do when they get shaved.

  3. I agree with cat aunty. Toro looks very cute.

    Thanks, san. ;)

  4. He looks cuter and sweeter shaven.
