Friday, September 08, 2006

Doggie Interlude

This is Sharpi, my friend's shih tzu. He's only 6 months and is looking terribly cute in the pics. She brought him to work today and so I got to hang out with him for a while. He's really docile and would actually sit on her lap for hours. Wah! If only the amigos can do this on command. :) But of course cats being cats, are independent creatures and that is the way they should be.

Sharpi was to be sent for neutering but it seems the vet said that he was not fully developed yet and it would not be advisable to do any snipping at 6 months. She has to wait for him to be 10 months before he can be neutered. Hmmm ...6 months for cats and 10 months for dogs. You learn something new everyday.

1 comment:

  1. I think it depends on the individual animal sometimes. Dogs are often neutered younger here, and they seem to be fine afterwards.
