Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Please let's go for walkies

On the eve of National Day, nothing happens in the park but there are more flags displayed outside windows. Bujang celebrated the eve in his favourite colour (okie it's mine) behind palms. When he sits neatly in this way, its a sign that he will take his time to look at the scenery and I would just have to wait. :)

I suppose it's a small thing to ask to be out for an hour each day after being in the house for hours on end but I am sometimes too tired to take him out and sometimes too tired to even play with the wand toy. I bought the amigos the blue mouse toy but only Toro was curious enough or has the curiosity to try to get the ball out of the circle. I guess the amigos just like playing with an interactive toy. But I am glad Bujang and Toro take the time to run after each other around the house. At least they have some kind of activity every day :)

More people are out burning joss sticks this evening. The cats downstairs came on time and I finished feeding duty by 825 and I began at 730. So that is quite the record for me and the community cats. The air smelled of smoke so I didn't stay to chat with them but made my way home immediately after. My cough is getting worse.


  1. Happy National Day to all you guys!

  2. Maybe you should see a doctor about the cough. It has been a while.

    When the stray cats get the feeding routine, they will cooperate very well. Except for some minor scuffles lah, or some newcomers who don't get the rules.

  3. Thank you Princessmia. Bujang and I celebrated it by going to the park:) the other gusy just stayed home and hung out along the corridor:)

    Yup cat_aunty. You are right about routine. Fatboy actually waited for me behind some pillars where I usually feed him so the feeding was quite quick. The 2 female cats were there on time and even the carpark black cat was at the entrance at about 715. Everyone on time that I finished the routine about 745. ! wah...very fast it went on national day. Then I had time to play with the amigos. :) I think it went very well. Went to the pharmacist about the cough. He gave me some nasty cough meds.:(
