Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Just Because Manju

 Manju finds Momo an endless mystery. He follows her tail around and finds it fascinating. She doesn’t seem to mind it these days.  His own tail is not so fabulous. It is a little crooked at the end, like many community cats here. He looks good with an old collar. It took about two weeks for him to get used to wearing it with a slide in tag. He has a micro chip as well but not many people will bring cats to the vet to check on microchips. Even my previous vet told me it’s better to get a personalised collar  and microchip.  So all the kitties have them. 

1 comment:

  1. That collar is the same one that our beloved Yuu-Chan wore for the short time he was with us. It is a beautiful collar!

    We are so glad that Manju is with you and you have a new family to tell us about!

    The Chans
