Monday, March 12, 2007

Toro's sunday adventures

Toro planning his route...

Restiing before the big walk...


Should I?

What's behind this door?

Should I turn the corner?


As with most cats, walking takes a lot of planning and changing of minds. Toro has been wanting to go outside for the longest time and I finally got the time to take him walking along the corridor. He is much more comfortable here and would freak out if I bring him downstairs. So as usual he walks or slinks along slowly, sniffing and resting until he came to the staircase. then he sat for quite some time contemplating the wisdom of moving down the stairs :) Finally Toro the great adventurer decided that corners were much more interesting, especially when they have holes in which to peer into darkness :)

I am glad he did not try to get out of his jacket like Bujang did. I did not take any pics of Bujang as I was busy trying to extricate him from his jacket. After that big operation, Bujang decided that he would rather stay indoors and look at the world from inside the grills :)


  1. Look at Toro's chubby paws!!!! So cute!! He is not wearing his birtday collar?

  2. I thought 1 week with bling-bling is enough cos its more decorative than anything :)And he actually managed to get his birthday collar off cos its not snap on. :)

  3. hey san, i love toro's new collar... where u get them?

  4. I got it online Wei at
    It takes about 2 weeks.
