Of strategems and old wounds
I thought today would be one of those lazy days where the day will be long and hazy. Toro was being his happy energetic self..hmm...not strictly true this. When Toro came to us, he spent most of the time sleeping. It worried me so much that I called my friend who had helped me adopt the cat to ask his previous owners if this is the usual behaviour. She confirmed that he spent almost 18 hours sleeping. After his op, he spent 1 day sleeping off most of the effects and from then on, he has been like a frisky kitten. He runs and romps about at the slightest excuse. I noticed this same thing with Bujang. Anyway he did this without incident and I had examined his nether parts for injury. It seemed fine. Today to my horror, he stood up and I saw spots of blood. BLOOD!!! My mind screamed. I promptly turned him over without much ceremony and scrutinised him. Yup, he had blood. So I cleaned him up and put him in his carrier to rest. Poor Toro meowed most dramatically to be let out. After 1 whole hour of cool down and time out, I let him out and was relieved to see there is no more bloodstains. My mother says it was all that running. So I guess she is right. I will have to confine him to his carrier everytime he runs about too much chasing Bujang.
He is now resting in the shower in the bathroom- a quiet place but I think a most strategic place. I noticed of late that he spent his time sprawling along the doorway to my bedroom, where the rascals like to be in, sprawling across the door to the bathroom where the fav litter bin is, sprawling across the main doorway where the rascals sometimes like to spread themselves. I think he is waging war. Bujang sometimes ignores his tactics but Akira seems rather frazzled by such terrorist actions :) although she does make her displeasure known sometimes by going to him and hissing at him.
I have just to wait and see which one becomes top cat finally and whether Toro's manipulations and strategems would bear fruit.
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