Monday, February 27, 2006
Of wounds and wounded pride

Sunday, February 26, 2006
Meal time carousel
If we hide, he may not find us I
If we play pretend, maybe it will become real II
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Of strategems and old wounds

He is now resting in the shower in the bathroom- a quiet place but I think a most strategic place. I noticed of late that he spent his time sprawling along the doorway to my bedroom, where the rascals like to be in, sprawling across the door to the bathroom where the fav litter bin is, sprawling across the main doorway where the rascals sometimes like to spread themselves. I think he is waging war. Bujang sometimes ignores his tactics but Akira seems rather frazzled by such terrorist actions :) although she does make her displeasure known sometimes by going to him and hissing at him.
I have just to wait and see which one becomes top cat finally and whether Toro's manipulations and strategems would bear fruit.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Those were the days

Now both Akira and Bujang seem to be in confusion as to what kind of creature had descended amongst them. Is it a cat or a prickly furry thingee? Now that Toro is neutered, his confidence seemed to have left him - He is no more the macho confident cat. He goes around bristling at the slightest noise and making his fur stand up therefore seeming to be bigger than he actually is. He runs wildly around the house making the 2 confused rascals look at him in total confusion not to mention surprise. I think poor Toro is just trying to get his mojo back. I don't think the three would be up to cuddling any time soon. The rascals have stayed clear of him and Toro has been trying to be friendly but I think he got his signals crossed.
I don't really expect them to like each other at all but I am looking forward to the time when they can tolerate each other and do some give and take. :)
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
In a daze

I went to work but was worried still even though he looked quite good this morning. So came home immediately after and was glad to see him sleeping on the table. When he saw me, he immediately jumped off and greeted me at the door with Bujang with Akira coming a close third. Later he came to me to ask for a good scratch and put his head on my arm and fell alsleep. I had to move his head gently or else I would not be able to eat or drink or do work at all. :)) He is well on the road to recovery.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Monday, February 20, 2006
The (last) days of being wild

Here is Toro looking quite splendid and very macho. Tomorrow he would still look just as splendid, just not so 'out there' :)The rascals missed him when he was out. My mother told me Bujang spent quite some time looking for him from room to room, meowing loudly. Even Akira spent some time looking for Toro. When I came home without him Bujang was askance and came to smell my fingers. I guess it was to smell if I had been with Toro. We all miss the little guy and I thought I should blog this very important day in his life. :))

Sunday, February 19, 2006
Letter from 3 cats to the HDB - if only we can send it in :(

We feel we have been much maligned. We have been accused of many transgressions and of making general disturbance in public areas and as a species, we have borne much of this in relative silence.
We have been accused of "shedding fur." Does not a dog (even if it's the right-sized canine for HDB flats) shed fur? Does a rabbit not shed fur? Does a hamster not shed fur. All these animals are allowed to live in flats and we are sure a lot of fur is shed by all. But we are sure that all responsible owners make sure that all shed fur (and sometimes unshed) are promptly vacuumed. By the way, what has shedding fur to do with anything Mrs Foo-Ho? Would not a responsible cat owner also vacuum their pet's shed fur? It is only reasonable to assume so.
We 'dirty public places'. This seems like a reasonable fear. But here again, we fail to see the fault as being exclusively ours. Children at unsupervised play also dirty public places. Adults do this sometimes. Why do you blame only us? Ahh..possibly you mean the assumption that we defecate where we please. Not so. We are clean creatures and defecate in designated places.-on grass and we cover all traces. That is instinct. However, irresponsible feeders sometimes seduce us with food on their corridors. It is sometimes impossible to prevent accidents from happening. But surely this is the problem of irresponsible feeders, and should not be put on our door.
'Cats are nomadic in nature and it is difficult to confine them to flats.' We beg to differ. Cats prefer routine, the well-trodden road. This makes us feel safe and secure. We have been known to lead very happy indoor lives with hardly a foot outdoors. We love the safety and warmth that a human can give us - warm food and even warmer affections. None of this can be had outdoors. Give us a chance.
Okay. So we sometimes make some noise but only if we are left unneutered . We live good and robust lives if left to ourselves but once we are neutered, we lead stable, temperate and very quiet lives. Sometimes you don't even know we're there. Won't responsible owners neuter their cats? Won't they keep their cats safe from harm? Won't they keep their balconies and windows grilled to keep their cats safe? All responsible pet owners, be they owners of dogs, rabbits , birds or hamsters will do all that they can to keep their pets safe. Surely Mrs Foo-Ho, you should speak to the people who keep animals and not blame the animals themselves. If we could find responsible owners who would do everything possible (and sometimes impossible) to keep their pets safe, surely you should allow cats in flats. We are just like any other animal and we expect our owners to be responsible for their actions to us and to all their neigbours.
We are not saying that the HDB is anti-cat. We are sure the officers are only doing their jobs but what we are asking is perhaps the HDB could re-examine its rules and regulations as to cat-ownership. We see human beings living in little boxes and have crowded lives. Surely it is not unreasonable to allow them their choice of pet and a choice of having a cat as a pet? The trouble is not with us but with human beings and their actions. If you have responsible pet ownership, then where is the trouble? The truth lies in education and information. If you allow dogs of regulation size, rabbits, hamsters and all other furry creatures (apart from wild life), surely you see that it is unreasonable to say that cats cannot make good pets. All these other animals are potential 'general disturrbance'. The reason you assume thay are not is because you have ruled them to be 'safe' and then had gone to ensure and enforce the rule. Surely it is time to include others in this circle.
Cats are small, clean and neat. We fit in the smallest crevice and are happy with catnip toys. We only need love and affection from responsible people and we would return it a thousand-fold. We only need a chance to show you this.
We remain
The 3 Amigos
Saturday, February 18, 2006
A case of the grass being greener
Sweet Surrender