Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Classical Music for Sleep please...


I guess the experts are right in saying that cats prefur classical music. Bujang protested loudly and long when I was listening to some pop music as I complete my appraisal for tomorrow 's meeting or this afternoon's to be precise). Tanaka was wide awake and Toro was very restlessly pawing my toes. As I was asking Bujang to be quiet I remembered that cats liked classical music and so got onto a free channel for them and almost immediately, Toro closed his eyes and rested on his blanket, Tanaka rested on my cupboard and Bujang sat quietly on the rug in the bathroom...and I can continue with my work. Excellent!! although I myself do not like classical music all that much.


  1. i knew i've some cat stuff in me, and now i know! i like classicals too. hahahaha.....

  2. Anonymous2:58 PM

    hee he looks hairy already. Do put up more videos of ur kitties ,esp totoro! He looks very cute and gentle :)

  3. Anonymous5:55 PM

    When cats meowed loudly on way to the vet, i'd tried the various music options-they don't work.
