Sunday, March 16, 2008

Bujang's sunday

Hello sunday...zzzz

Bujang's foot is looking better...

Bujang's sunday was just a long expanse of sleep and grass-eating. I don't know why he spent so much of the day in the bedroom by himself. Maybe he wanted some quiet away from Rocket. But it is only now, at 8.50 pm, that he is out and sleeping on the TV console with the rest of the boys.


  1. Would you've any antiseptic cleanser and powder at home? I kept the Chlorhex cleanser and Baneocin powder ('left-overs' from spaying surgery) which come in very useful for general applications. The last time Braun had a mishap, I used them on her wound (a nail came off). She loves to lick so I also put a cone (this is one-size bigger) around her neck for a week so that the wound can stay dry and heal sooner.

  2. Agree with MightyMouse. Keep some chlorhexidine wash at home, you can get the powder from the vet. It id definitely better vs those herbal powder you can buy from the pet shop. Based on experienceon Hat, those powder are stinging too......
