Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Does your cat meow?

Graphics from http://diabelllovescats.com/graphics.htm

Does your cat meow? Personally I have never heard a cat meowing at all. Toro makes a sound like a very far-away grass cutter Werrrrrroww and Akira, when she is displeased says WERROWWWR. Just now when Bujang was trying to find people in the house he went WOWRR WOWRR WOWRR (yup 3 times). He does this most times when he thinks he's alone in any part of the house. And now that Toro is living here, Akira hardly ever complains anymore. I think she needs to hide from him as he is an extermely enthusiastic feline who finds her an enigma he needs to decipher. So he follows her very closely and she rewards him with a hissssss and a slap on the head. Toro would freeze and lower his eye slowly - like a statue. Then he would lower his body and sit very quietly as though contrite but it's only a show. Once Akira starts moving again, he is up to his old tricks.

Bujang hardly ever complains even when he was young. He would meet me at the door and gambol about awhile and would chat with me. But he hardly ever complains or chats continuously. He would rather be out along the corridor enjoying the sun and breeze. Of course he is leashed at all times and we would sit together - me reading and pretending that I actually am not embarrassed waiting for my cat to finish exploring the plants and he- well he just minds his own business. Now of course I enjoy these times we have together. It's usually one hour in the park where I would hear kids say "It's a dog. Ahh mau..." I assume 'mau' is the chinese word for cat. :)

Toro- well. He is now the new busy neighbour who minds everyone's business. No cat is safe from his investigations. :) He goes Werrrrrowww inside and outside, round and round.

Even the community calico doesn't meow. She has soft chirrups when she sees me and we would chat for a bit before she tries to persuade me that scratching her head is the best thing I could do for all catkind. Of course I have no say in these matters and would spend some time doing what she wants. But I have not seen her much these days - only in the early morning at about 6.15 am mostly. She could be found curled up alseep on the grass. That is funny though. I thought cats would prefer warm places but this one likes grass. :))

Does your cat meow?

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