Thursday, December 13, 2007

Best Buds

Follow the leader...


You won't hurt me right..I am too cute...


Megat and Rocket Tanaka are best buds. The play with each other endlessly whenever Tanaka gets out. Tanaka looks for him and he looks for Tanaka when they play tag or hide and seek. I am quite surprised as Megat is 11 years old and was abandoned for a very long time and Tanaka only 3 months. :) I read that cats like Megat would not be very good at living with other cats as he had spent so much of his life protecting territory and competing for food. For sure he has a long way to go with the boys and Ms Akira but he took to Tanaka so readily and well :) Amazing!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes it is just theory.....good to see Megat is still young at heart
