Monday, May 31, 2010

Rainy Monday

Today I didn't get a chance to even go out as it rained the whole day. Sigh....

Idylic Monday

The first white flower on grandma's begonias...
Ms Akira wanted to sit outside this morning and so she did...
Velcro Megat and san...

I did not have to be at work today - Monday. WOW! So after cleaning up after the amigos, I had a short break to appreciate Monday, with the kitties :)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Goodnight Sunday

I hope tomorrow would be better and I get to go out walking...


Mear went for a walk with cat_aunty today with the leash. This is quite a miracle as he is a community kitty not used to being leashed at all. He is doing really well, able to yawn without whimpering and is relaxing with Spencer. We are all very pleased with his progress and glad that he found cat-aunty.

Community Cat Sunday

Our "is your cat pregnant?" kitty...
Out poetic kitty
Our hungry sometime kitty...
Our recovering kitty...

I now understand why so many people do not believe me when I tell them Minah is not pregnant as she was sterilised a long time ago. She is really a very fat kitty.

Sunday Stillness

I wonder when the day would decide to rain or not rain...
I dun care either way...

Sunday has been pretty indecisive. Thunder keeps grumbling to no decision. We can't go for a walk in case it rains and its too warm to keep the doors locked. The neighbors are all quiet so I guess its okay to open the door to let some breeze in.

Sunday Rumble

What is that scary rolling noise?
Huh?! What is that?

The amigos were all running about this Sunday as our neighbour was moving furniture and beds and all manner of household paraphernalia out of their house. I guess they were moving out. I hope they hurry it up so the kitties would relax.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Goodnight Saturday

san lets me sit with her all day if I want...
I think its ime to say good night so san would not have cramps in her legs...

Wild Bunch Saturday

FatBoy ate his second dinner and then had to sit for a bit until he got some bits of it out from between his teeth - poor kitty!
He has put on a little bit of weight but still looks thin...
Minah and FatBoy eating companionably...
You can see Minah's very portly proportions here...
Terror Kitty did not look up the entire time he was eating 2.5 cans...
Dinner over and time for grooming...
Putih was not much interested in food...
She preferred jumping about and running very fast on the grass...

Saturday found the Wild Bunch safe and sound. They all had a good dinner with Fatboy eating 2 cans, Terror Kitty eating 2.5 cans and the girls just had 1/2 a can each. Minah also had some dry food as usual.

Terror Kitty was sitting on the staircase quietly and chomped down his food hungrily. After 2.5 cans, he decided enough was enough and jumped down to groom. Then he just sat and not a sound came from him throughout all this time. I was surprised but i guess he found out that the food would still appear even if he did not call for it. He didn't try to follow me home too which was a good thing. Terror Kitty is not strictly part of the Wild Bunch as he hangs out with the caregiver M but we feed him so he is our part time kitty.

FatBoy , as usual, elicited very kind responses from people and someone just called me to ask me if I had a cat. Since he was okay, I thanked the girl for calling me up to tell me about him. Thank goodness for kind people.

Wild Bunch Thoughts

Megat, an ex-Wild Bunch kitty, resting at home....

This rather romantic and quiet picture of Minah is what I hope her life would be tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow and indeed if none of them gets adopted and its unrealistic to think anyone would adopt any one of the Wild Bunch, this picture shows perfectly what I hope would be in their future - tranquil days of good food and shelter against the monsoon. They are older cats, with Putih being 4 years old or thereabouts. Nevertheless they seem quite contented and we will do our best.

Ms Akira's Saturday Morning

Ms Akira tired the kickaroo but she didn't like it much...
Ms Akira: After I kick it, then what?
She preferred investigating morning tea...
Grooming herself in the quiet minus the boys...
She then looked at Saturday morning and the quiet...

while I had a cup of tea and read my book....

Saturday Quiet

The day is going to be hot!

Friday, May 28, 2010

On Vesak Day We Give Thanks...

for Mera@cat_aunty who is doing well but is still thin...
and who decided to take matters into his own thanks by getting out of his cage and hiding out in the store room to hide from thunder :)
for FatBoy who seems to have renewed appetite for food and life but is still too thin for comfort...
for Minah who believes that all is well and seems happy and cheery....
knows dinner will always appear when she wants it...
for Putih who can now be found at her old hangouts although she still prefers eating on higher ground...
and believes in living the free life...
even for Terror Kitty aka JerryBoy who is now a little quieter...
though no less eager to follow us home. I think if he is a little fatter he would look much more handsome and when that happens, life would be easier for him downstairs.

Vesak day walk

The Big Picture
Bujang slinking along the pillars...

Our walk today was rather slow. I think Bujang had forgotten what he liked about walking downstairs and spent the time being very cautious about everything. Of course the fact that there were more people than usual walking about contributed to his uncertainty.

We had not gone walking for about 1.5 weeks as the days were either too hot or it had rained in the evenings. But he had one high point when he chased one of his 'watchers' off. The cat had sneaked to sniff at his carrier and Bujang did not like that at all. After that he decided to stay just sit around his carrier so that NO other cat would get anywhere near it.

I think next week would be better as I would be on a break and we would be able to walk more.