Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Before and After


Toro went for his grooming session and got himself a 0.5 inch buzz. That seemed the best way to deal with the heat. When we arrived at the groomers at about 10.30 am, there were already 2 cats, 2 persians, with their fur trimmed short, all ready to be picked up. Then it was Toro's turn - 0.5 inch all round and 'do not cut his whiskers please', trim his underside and his neaten his tail.

He was very good at the groomers as always and endured all the indignities patiently - the trim, the bath, the blow-dry and the trimming. He turned around and lifted his arms and endured the trimming of his stomach fur. Indeed he was an excellent customer and the groomer always remembers his full name ' Totoro'.

When I came to pick him up, another Persian cat was on the table, getting a buzz cut. It was a cat day at the groomers today:)

1 comment:

  1. So it's that time of year again? We always think you look extra-cute after your grooming, Toro-Chan!
