Bujang has been slowly taking back power from Megat. The last few weeks saw him being on the same bed as Megat, staring Megat down and he no longer runs frantically when Megat gives him THE STARE.
I first saw it when we were both just hanging out in bed. He was just sitting and minding his own business when Megat decided to try to scare him. Since Bujang did not start as usual, Megat was at a loss of what to do. I watched the two of them try to stare each other down and finally Megat decided it would be best if he did the retreating. From this point on, I think Bujang reclaimed some power that he lost.
Today, Bujang just decided he would sit on this cushion, which Megat had decided early on belonged to him. More power to you Bujang :)
Megat on the other hand has got more confident in other areas, like sitting with grandma. Nowadays he would actually make a point of going to grandma and requesting some attention. :)
Yes, that is right, Bujang, you are the Alpha Male!!