Finally Bujang went to the vet for his nail appointment. He waited quietly at the vet. There was no one there but us. Then the vet called "Bujang" and we went into the 'room'. I put Bujang's carrier on the table and the vet chatted with us for a bit. She said one her collegues had recorded that Bujang was apt to struggle and bite. Sigh...poor Bujang has a record!
I told her that he did that when he had to take his blood test for his sterilization when he was 6 months. I admitted that he did attempt to bite the nurse and they actually had to put a cloth over him to restrain him. She then asked me when I last fed him. I told her that it was 9 am and she said just in case she has to sedate him she would need all the info. She then told me that it was not wise to sedate him all the time if he has to get his nails trimmed. She doesn't recommend it. I told her that if she has to sedate him then I would not want his nails trimmed. It seemed so overboard to do that to my cat!
She was quite pleased to know my decision and started talking to Bujang softly. Bujang was still quiet and was quite afraid. Then she opened the door to the carrier and told him he was a handsome boy and a few nails would not hurt. I told the doc just trim the front nails as I do not want him to get more stressed out. The nurse came and she held his neck and face gently. The doc then spoke softly and told him that she would trim his nails and he did not have to see them done :) She then very quickly clipped one...then two more and then the last 2. He did not struggle wildly but he started to growl softly in his chest. WAH!
The three of us all looked at each other! Bujang was a little tense but he did not show his teeth yet. The vet then moved around slowly to the other side and spoke to him again. The nurse moved closer to Bujang to get a firmer grip. Very quickly she cuts one, two, three. Then Bujang decided that enough was enough. He yelled and showed his very sharp fangs. He also tried to free himself! Everyone froze! The vet told him only 2 more and I told Bujang that after the two nails, he would be able to get out of the clinic. Once Bujang relaxed a bit, the vet very quickly tried to trim his other nails but someone opened the adjoining room's door and he started to snarl again. The vet told the 2nd nurse to be quiet and to keep still. It was all very tense!
Then after a few minutes, she took his paw in her hand again gently and trimmed the rest! WOAH! SUCCESS! HURRAH! WOOHOO!
The whole operation was done in fewer than 10 minutes. I paid $14.oo and the doc said that she hoped he would not remember the whole procedure as she expects to see him next month for nail trimming. Maybe next time we can go for 3 out of 4 feet :)
After that, I sent Bujang to the groomer's as she was just beside the clinic. She was quite relieved to know that she did not have to cut his nails. She said it would take 3 people to cut his nails but only 1 to bathe him. So Bujang got his front paws nails cut and he got a nice bath also. I think we had had a successful day.
Aiyoh Bujang ah, need three persons to trim 10 nails!!
ReplyDeleteWaa Bujang, you need a professional vet to trim your nails! Very atas! Haha!
ReplyDeleteCC has the same trouble too. He will not allow anyone to trim his claws, especially the hind legs.
ReplyDeleteBut we found a way.
Mrs kxbc will scruff him tightly at the neck while I will cut. He will snarl and growl and may also try to bite and swipe but a firm word, a smack on the nose and a tighter hold work wonders.