Saturday, June 30, 2007
Calico girls' night out ...and in...

MC's missing posters

Friday, June 29, 2007
News from MC poster
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Stop it will ya
This is the first week of work and so I am busy at the computer. Megat has tried to sit on my keyboard several times, obviously to remind me I have more importnat things like playing with him. Toro and Bujang just amused themselves by running after each other. I try to sit at the deskstop everyday so Ms Akira can hang out with me for a bit. But the amigos are getting really impatient with me I fear. :)
Public service notice

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Is this the mystery cat?
Power to you Bujang

My neighbour Totoro
Who's knocking on my door
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Yes its a mystery

Cal finally out in the open
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Sunday Thoughts
Animal Planet

Saturday Outside

Saturday morning found the 3 kitties quite eager to be out, even Ms Akira although she did not make it out at all. The kitties were rather nervous as there were intermittent sounds of drilling from upstairs. They jumped everytime they heard it. Bujang was out only for a while as the neighbours kids came whizzing along the corridor on their skateboard and he got spooked for abit.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Cik Mina's great escape
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Sunday trials
At this late hour I thought I would catch up on work. Next week is the last week of vacation but people like me have to get back to work already. :( However, Ms Akira has other ideas. She came down from the top of the cupboard and decided she wanted to sit with me for a while - on my lap under the lamps. So here I am , blogging with a cat who is not going to get up any time soon. :)
No meds!
Grandma and I had such a time trying to get Megat to take his vitamins. We walked up to him, he ran. I gave the boys some treats and he came creeping to get some. Of course he slipped from my fingers when I tried to grab him. He ran circles around the both of us. He is a very nimble 10 year old! When I came home from feeding the WB, grandma caught hold of Twinkle-toes and I gave him his 0.5 mm of ARCferon. He went, "Ack!Ackk!" and ran off to hide. Poor Megat is now sleeping on the green sofa behind me, quite peacefully. :)
WildBunch on Sunday
The WildBunch was pretty relaxed today except Cal who I had to wait for close to 30 minutes. I was afraid it would rain and didn't have an umbrella with me. I had visions of Putih getting drenched in the rain as the aunty had told me she didn't have a habit of getting in from the rain at all. So instead of waiting for Cal to appear I went to find Putih. I had to walk right up to her before she saw me. I think its because I forgot to ring my keys. :) She ate 3/4 of the 80 g of fussiecat. I was pleased as if it rains, she would not be so hungry.
Then I went back to the carpark and waited for Cal with FatBoy. he polished the rest of the fussiecat and then I saw Cal waiting for me in the carpark. I do not know why she has decided not to come out but would wait in the shadows for me to make her out. I was jjust about to go home when I saw her. She ate 1/2 of her salmon dinner and scratched me for good measure as I tried to stop her from leaving :) It served me right for forgetting to give her some respect :)
Of course FatBoy polished off her food and then went about his business. It struck me that the only WildBunch who had never scratched me was FatBoy! He's very even-tempered and loving.
Let's Play
Who's there?
Bujang was trying to get at Da Bird from inside the red tunnel. Toro likes to be in here too when he stalks Da Bird. He likes to run through the tunnel and then pounce at the flying lure. Megat had explored the tunnel only once. He didn't like it much. Probably because it reminds him too much of closed places.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Is nothing sacred?

Lilo at the vet
This is Lilo. She is one of the two cats that my cousin adopted some time ago from M. She is very pretty and has green eyes. She is at the vet at the same time as Bujang. I was so surprised when he (my cousin) entered the vet's and saw me. He immediately asked me if I had seen his son and Lilo. I told him I was the only one there with Bujang. He was quite distressed and rushed out again. After abit, he entred the clinic again and told me his son was on his way. It seemed Lilo was sick and she had been vomitting for 2 days. She would drink water and then she would vomit.
Poor Lilo was looking quite tired and my cousin was trying to comfort her. Then I had to bring Bujang to see the doc for his nails . After we came out, the doc called for Lilo. I was glad that Bujang and I were at the vet for just some nail-trimming and nothing more serious.
Nail trimming day