This is my very first picture that I exported from my IXUS. Okay it is true like the salesman told me, the orange is not the red eye but only Bujang's. He does have orange sometimes copper eyes. As usual Bujang is cleaning himself with no thought about anything else. I read something interesting in the Cat Lover's Survival Guide by Karen Commings about Cleaning Your Cat. I thought it would be good to list a few here just in case I need them.
1. When rinsing soap from your cat's coat, use 1 part vinegar to 4 parts water. The mixture will leave a shiny coat. (I think I will leave this part to the groomers for the amigos)
2. If your cat picked up urine ordors from rubbing against the interior side of a litter box, rub some baking soda into her coat, gently massage it in, then brush it out. (For Toro and Akira only. The groomers will do for Bujang :))
Sometimes Bujang sits in his litter. I do not know why. But of course the litter would have been cleaned of all the debris. Sometimes he watches his litter intently. I do not know why either. I have switched from Shweat to something else so there should not be anything crawling about. Hmmmm...
3. If your cat comes into contact with chewing gum, remove it by rubbing an ice cube on the gum until it hardens and can be pulled out. Then wash the areas thoroughly. I worry about this sometimes when Bujang goes for a walk. I have not brought him down for 3 weeks so I am feeling a little guilty about it but it has been raining and I'm afraid he will get fleas. So we do not walk when the grass is wet.
4. If your cat walks on tar, remove it by rubbing butter or margarine on the tarred area until the tar softens and can be pulled off. Repeat if necessary, then wash your cat's feet. (Who knows what might happen to us when we go out for our walks)
5. If your cat rubs against oil-based paint, wipe it off immediately with a dry cloth then bathe your cat. If the paint has dried and hardened, cut it out (WOAH) and then bathe your cat. Caution: Do not use paint remover, kerosene, turpentine or gasoline to remove paint from your cat's hair.
All very good advice. Stuff that I would not have known if not for my short visit to the library at White Sands. I should go get some more reading material. After all I am already in the database. :)

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