Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wednesday Wishes

I wish for chicken and tuna and when I wake up, it will be in my dinner plate - the white one please
This is a closer crop of Toro's pic that I had posted for Sleepy Monday. I like him here complete with his 2 canines showing. It does not show how naughty he can be and how noisy he is when he wants to eat dinner, or sleep or get out of the room at 3 am.


  1. What a lovely picture, Toro! I hope your wishes come true when you wake up!


  2. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Toro is so cute, you can forgive him for almost anything lah.

  3. Dear dear Toro, I hope you wishes come true, and then more!!

    What sharp teeth you have, Toro!

  4. Xin Xin has a vampire photo like you too, Toro. She is our only par gay (buck tooth) cat.

  5. What a cute napping photo!
