Thursday, July 10, 2008

Who sez I has no teef


I sez I has teef!

san: I said YOU have no teeth that would allow to chew grass. If you have teeth, you would be able to pronounce your 'th' properly.
Megat: Oh yeah...I has teef but not fur grass. Anyway I dun likes grasses. I likes chicken and tuna and salmon and nutro and ....
Megat only has 1 canine left from 4 (2 extracted by the 1st vet at TK and one more extracted by the vet at ARC)and a good few of his other teeth have fallen out. So he may growl and snap and bite to little effect. So he uses his shaolin prowess (aka nimble hands with hard claws) to push the other cats around :) He tried to chew grass once but it did not work out for the poor kitty - all drool not much else.
Thanks to cat_aunty for reminding me that indeed Megat has teef! :)


  1. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Little Red Riding Hood would probably say to Megat, "My, what big teeth (tooth) you have Grandma."

  2. Oh my what big teef you have, Megat!!!!!!!

    Be afraid, be very afraid!

  3. Eh, Megat. I think me prefur you to keep your mouth closed.

    I scared...but the toothy grin is ok, makes you look cheeky! ;)

    Grass is good for you! It helps Coco to be more regular..haha!

  4. Hi! We came across you by chance and think you look like a great bunch! We are a cat and dog living in France.

    Looking forward to following your adventures,
