Friday, November 30, 2007

Frightful Friday...for some

Ms Akira stayed well clear of Rocket Tanaka...

Rocket Tanaka was trying to convince us he wanted to become an electrician when he grew up...we told him it was too dangerous, especially if he planned to bite wires instead of insulating them :)

Ms Akira has yet to have anything to do with Rocket Tanaka. She yelled at him for daring to cross her path...much to his surprise and short distress. He walked off, made one round of the living room and promptly forgot his initial distress in his eagerness to play "Catch the tail on Toro." :)

1 comment:

  1. No~!!!!! Tanaka, not the wires please!!!!

    Unless you want to become a curly cat!!

    Miss Akira looks rightfuly worried.
