Monday, September 03, 2007

The sunshine boys

Boys out together...

Bujang listening to a bird call...

Toro just enjoying the morning...

I decided to let everyone out along the corrdor as it had been a very long time that any of them were out at all. Toro woke up that morning and immediately rushed to see what was going on outside. This is his usual routine. He really loves watching what goes on. So I had them in their harnesses and they all sat outside watching the sunshine and listening to all the interesting noises. It was interesting for me that Toro was the last one to get back into the house. Bujang heard a loud noise and decided that he was much safer inside looking out than outside trying to get in :) I had to carry Toro in as he did not want to get inside at all after a whole hour just hanging out along the corridor. He must have missed sitting outside quite alot.


  1. eh Toro doesn't need to be shaved anymore??

  2. Grandma was not pleased the last time I gave him the buzz cut. So now I promised I would just ask the groomer to shave his underside, back and trim his tail. His fur has not grown too long so have not gone to the groomer yet :)
